This itinerary is quite popular with hikers seeking for a trek which they can attempt at a relaxed pace and that which they can accomplish within 5 days without having to necessarily use camping equipment at high altitude. This particularItinerary affords the mountain climbers a moderate hiking opportunity through the 2 most well developed trails with the best infrastructure on Mount Kenya. It is designed in such away that both the pace of ascend and descend are comfortable to allow the hikers to enjoy their time while on the Mountain.
From Nairobi you are picked up by 0900hrs and drive through Coffee, Tea, Pineapple and Passion fruit plantation to our Base Hotel (Mountain Rock Hotel), arriving in time for lunch after a 3 hours drive. After lunch you take an afternoon walk that assists with much needed acclimatization to the mau mau caves (2000m).

After lunch you depart from the base hotel, crossing the equator to Sirimon Park gate (2600m) in 11/2 hours drive. You start an acclimatization hike of 3 hours at the gate through the tropical rain forest, bamboo, rosewood and part of heath zone to Old Moses camp (3300m) for overnight.

You hike gradually, after early breakfast, through a nature trail of tussock grass, lobelia and giant groundsels all the way to Shiptons camp (4200m) for overnight. You will cover an altitude of 900m in 6-7 hours. Lunch is served enroute.

After your breakfast at 0700hrs, you then leave at 0800hrs for an acclimatization hike to Hausberg col (4700m) and back to Shiptons camp (4200m) for overnight.

After your breakfast at 0700hrs, you then leave at 0800hrs for an acclimatization hike to Hausberg col (4700m) and back to Shiptons camp (4200m) for overnight.

After your breakfast at 0700hrs, you then leave at 0800
ou will descend down via the Naromoru track after a 0600hrs breakfast; crossing over the vertical bog to the road head (Met Station) to connect with a transfer vehicle for the base hotel for a hot shower before proceeding with your transfer back to Nairobi arriving in the early evening around 5 to 6.00pm.
hrs for an acclimatization hike to Hausberg col (4700m) and back to Shiptons camp (4200m) for overnight.